Thursday, July 23, 2009

Emotional Health Diet

Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or stay as fit as you are, here’s a diet Guaranteed to improve the health of your entire family…..their EMOTIONAL HEALTH.

Just as the right food, exercise and rest can improve your life physically, raising children the right way can transform a flabby, frustrated, unsuccessful mother or father into a fair, firm, favored parent…EMOTIONALLY. Here’s how:

1. Get to the bottom of your youngster’s misbehavior before even thinking about getting to his/her bottom. WHY a son or daughter did what he did is just as important in deciding the right action to take as WHAT he did.

2. Be the ADULT!! Sons and daughters who talk big, look big and act big are usually the ones who are too big for their britches. That’s why it's dangerous to let them wear the pants in the family.

3. Avoid wasting your time and your child’s love trying to get her to be an angel by knocking the devil out of her. Practice does not make perfect when you keep on practicing the wrong thing over and over again.

4. Build a successful “give and take” relationship with your youngster. This does not mean you do all the giving and she does all the taking. Nobody can expect to win all the time. In many cases and in many relationships ….NO IS A LOVE WORD.

5. Disagree with what your child wants to do or not do but avoid disagreeing disagreeably. Differences of opinions, ideas, goals are normal between parent and child. BUT… putting a child down with sarcasm, ridicule, harsh physical punishment, etc. is NO WAY to BUILD HIM UP...or win any kind of disagreement.

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